Topic: “PTSD”
Learn more and watch videos of Veterans sharing their experiences with PTSD and what they did to get on a path to recovery.
Healing From an Invisible Wound: 3 Veterans Talk About TBI
Three Veterans—Michelle, Ryan, and Patrick—share how therapy helped them heal from traumatic brain injury. Treatment helped them understand and manage TBI effects and improve their quality of life.
5-minute read
Traumatic Brain Injury, PTSD, Family and Relationships“It’s OK To Talk About These Experiences”
After military service that included a catastrophic helicopter crash on his ship, Arafat experienced PTSD that harmed his relationships and led to unhealthy alcohol use. Therapy and family support helped him start his journey toward healing.
3-minute read
PTSD, Problems with Alcohol, Anger and Irritability, Family and RelationshipsTherapy Helps Veteran Heal From PTSD
Leon tried to put his time in Vietnam behind him, but it haunted him. Then a book he read put a name to what he was feeling: PTSD. That led him to seek therapy and begin healing.
2-minute read
PTSD, Feeling on EdgeTherapy and the Arts Lead Veteran to Sobriety and Purpose
Jenny used heroin and alcohol to try to cope with military sexual trauma and PTSD. Therapy, writing, and theater gave her healthier ways to address these issues, and sobriety empowered her to bring healing to others.
3-minute read
Military Sexual Trauma, PTSD, Problems with DrugsTherapy Helps Veteran Regain Sense of Self After Injury
When Tiffany left the Army after sustaining an injury, she was in constant pain and felt deeply depressed. Therapy helped her regain her sense of self and become the example she wanted to be for her son. “My life has changed since I got mental health treatment,” she says.
2-minute read
Physical Injury, PTSD, Depression, Transitioning From ServiceVeteran Says Readiness for Support Is “Step 1” for Healing
After initially resisting the idea of mental health support, Stefan actively sought the therapy that gave him tools to manage his TBI, PTSD, and bipolar disorder symptoms. “It directly translates into my life being happier,” the Marine Corps Veteran says.
4-minute read
Bipolar Disorder, Traumatic Brain Injury, Transitioning From Service, PTSD, Feeling on EdgeVietnam Veterans Share Their Mental Health Journeys
Vietnam Veterans recount how hostile receptions at home kept them from talking about their service and its personal impact—and how their decisions to reach out for mental health treatment, years or decades later, made a difference in their lives.
2-minute read
PTSD, Problems with Alcohol, Transitioning From ServiceWhole Health Approach Paves Veteran’s Path to Sobriety
“Being sober has given me life,” says Alison, a Marine Corps Veteran whose alcohol use disorder derailed her career and motherhood. She got her life back on track by addressing her drinking and mental health challenges simultaneously.
4-minute read
Problems with Alcohol, Bipolar Disorder, PTSD, Family and Relationships, Homelessness, Military Sexual TraumaMental Health Care Options Give Veterans Many Ways To Heal
The stories that Ryan, Greg, and Bridget are sharing for Mental Health Month show there are many treatment paths Veterans can take to reach the same destination: enjoying a fuller life.
3-minute read
PTSD, Family and Relationships, Problems with Drugs, Traumatic Brain Injury, Physical Injury, Flashbacks, Depression, NightmaresMental Health Care Inspires Veterans To Embrace New Passions
This Mental Health Month, learn how some Veterans pursued treatment that helped them empower their recovery, manage their symptoms, embrace their passions, and improve their lives.
5-minute read
Transitioning From Service, PTSD, Family and Relationships, Stress and Anxiety, Depression, Problems with Alcohol“Do Not Shy Away From Those Difficult Conversations”
How do you persuade a Veteran in your life to seek help for mental health challenges? First, you have to begin the conversation. Members from three Veteran families share what they learned about initiative and persistence in encouraging loved ones to seek and continue treatment — and how their efforts were rewarded.
5-minute read
Family and Relationships, PTSD, Stress and Anxiety, Depression, Trouble Sleeping, Physical Injury, Traumatic Brain InjuryTo Help Other Veterans, He Also Needed To Help Himself
Michael’s Marine Corps service inspired him to devote himself to connecting other Veterans with support. Michael soon realized that to encourage Veterans to get mental health care and to enhance his own life, he needed to practice what he preached by treating his mental health challenges too.
2-minute read
PTSD, Anger and IrritabilityMental Health Treatment Gives These Veterans a New Start
Addressing mental health challenges can open up new opportunities in family relationships, career pursuits, community connections and more. Veterans Tom, Michelle and Tony share the ways they blossomed after they sought treatment.
4-minute read
Transitioning From Service, PTSD, Family and Relationships, Military Sexual Trauma, Trouble Sleeping, Depression, Stress and Anxiety, Problems with AlcoholNavy Veteran Charts New Course After Substance Misuse
Drug and alcohol misuse and untreated symptoms of PTSD caught up to Rick when he was arrested after an incident at his home on Christmas Eve. This was the moment that prompted him to seek the treatment that turned his life around.
3-minute read
Problems with Drugs, Problems with Alcohol, Financial and Legal Issues, PTSD, Transitioning From ServiceFor These Married Veterans, Mental Health Is a Team Effort
Mike and Valerie faced different challenges following their military service. But they share a commitment to work through those challenges with mental health treatment, therapeutic activities and mutual support.
5-minute read
Family and Relationships, PTSD, Military Sexual Trauma, Suicide, Problems with Alcohol, Anger and IrritabilityVeteran Overcomes Her Fear of Mental Health Care
This Air Force Veteran, who survived a terrorist bombing at her barracks, says requesting mental health care from women providers made it less intimidating to seek support through VA, enabling her to get the help she needed.
5-minute read
Family and Relationships, PTSD, Transitioning From ServiceWhen These Veterans Needed Answers, Therapy Helped Give Them
Four U.S. Army Veterans share how their decision to ask for mental health support helped them identify the true source of their challenges and unlock their full potential.
2-minute read
PTSD, Family and Relationships, Anger and Irritability, Military Sexual TraumaVeterans’ Next Mission: Serving Those Who Served
These Veterans took different paths after military service, but they arrived at the same destination: becoming part of a community and helping fellow Veterans. Hear their stories in the newly released Season Two of the Make the Connection: Real Veterans. Real Stories. podcast.
4-minute read
Transitioning From Service, Student Veterans, Financial and Legal Issues, PTSD, Jobs and Employment, Problems with Alcohol, Homelessness, Family and RelationshipsVeteran’s Treatment Opens Up “Whole New Life”
Bill, a U.S. Army Veteran, waited 25 years to seek help with anger issues that stemmed from his wartime experiences. The treatment has now paid off for more than two decades.
4-minute read
Anger and Irritability, Family and Relationships, PTSD, Problems with AlcoholIraq War Veteran With PTSD Finds His Own Path to Peace
VA counseling helped Duane change his mindset about who he was and what he could achieve, empowering him to discover a new sense of purpose in the fashion industry.
3-minute read
PTSD, Problems with Alcohol, Physical Injury, Student Veterans, Family and RelationshipsWhen Sleep Is Stressful, Not Restful
Troubled sleep stemming from insomnia, nightmares or restlessness can be the cause or the effect of a mental health challenge, as these three Veterans learned.
4-minute read
Trouble Sleeping, Nightmares, Stress and Anxiety, PTSD, Traumatic Brain InjuryMarine Veteran Is Nurtured by Nature After Injury
Mother Nature and therapy returned what an injury stole from this Veteran: her identity, her self-esteem and her independence.
3-minute read
Physical Injury, PTSD, Stress and AnxietyLGBTQ+ Veterans Open Up About Hiding in Plain Sight
Veterans describe the difficulties of hiding their sexuality or gender identity while serving in the military and the freedom they found with mental health support.
3-minute read
Coming Out to Your Health Care Provider, Problems with Alcohol, Military Sexual Trauma, Jobs and Employment, PTSDVeterans Connected by Experiences With Mental Health Care
This Mental Health Month, Veterans describe how mental health care changed their lives. Their feelings of hope and lightness are shared by many other Veterans.
3-minute read
Suicide, Military Sexual Trauma, PTSD, Anger and Irritability, Problems with AlcoholVeterans Are Proud of Sobriety and Improved Mental Health
Veterans Laura and George learned to manage their PTSD symptoms and stop drinking alcohol. Their stories are featured this Mental Health Month.
4-minute read
Problems with Alcohol, PTSDProcessing the Pain after Military Sexual Trauma
Anna explains how analyzing her emotions with a counselor taught her to stop blaming herself for experiencing military sexual trauma (MST) while in the Air Force
3-minute read
Military Sexual Trauma, Trouble Sleeping, Family and Relationships, PTSDCare for Women Veterans Helps Reservist After Injury, PTSD and More
Years after a training injury, followed by posttraumatic stress disorder and other challenges, Brenda finds the support she needs through care specifically made to help women Veterans.
3-minute read
PTSD, Nightmares, Physical Injury, Jobs and Employment, Financial and Legal IssuesVeteran’s PTSD Treatment Led Him To Help Others
Seeking and finding the right treatment for ADHD and PTSD helped Jordan, an Army combat Veteran, process the trauma he had tried to forget. Then the former medic found meaning in helping fellow Veterans manage their challenges.
4-minute read
PTSD, Transitioning From Service, Physical InjuryNext Mission: College
Stephen didn’t consider getting VA help with his transition out of the U.S. Army because he felt that other Veterans were more deserving of support. But when his adjustment to student life proved difficult, VA counselors gave Stephen the tools and resources he needed to succeed in his new mission.
3-minute read
PTSD, Transitioning From Service, FlashbacksSupport Comes In Many Forms
Family members, friends, fellow Veterans, clergy members, co-workers, and counselors can all provide support to Veterans going through a tough time. But no matter who provides it, one thing is clear: Everybody needs support at some time. During Mental Health Month and all year round, learn how seeking support from many sources helped these Veterans work through their mental health challenges.
4-minute read
PTSD, Transitioning From Service, DepressionVeterans on Managing Anger
Veterans whose lives were affected by anger explain how they felt and what helped.
2-minute read
Anger and Irritability, PTSD, DepressionHope Heals
Through Veterans Treatment Court, Ray was ordered into mental health treatment. That’s when the Veteran’s life started to change.
3-minute read
Anger and Irritability, PTSD, Problems with AlcoholHelping One Can Help Many
Kyle experienced PTSD after witnessing heavy combat casualties in Iraq, where he served as a Marine Corps field radio operator. His transition back into civilian life was rough and included a trip or two to jail and a couple of stays at psychiatric hospitals. Some caring Veterans intervened, urging him to get help at VA. That’s where Kyle learned how to manage his PTSD, and he now helps other Veterans find their footing.
2-minute read
PTSD, Problems with Alcohol, Transitioning From ServiceWomen Helping Women
A new video from Make the Connection features four women Veterans who explain how group therapy with their sisters in arms led them to better mental health.
2-minute read
Military Sexual Trauma, Suicide, PTSDTurning Pain Into Prose
When Sarge returned from three combat tours in Vietnam, his waking hours were punctuated by bouts of hypervigilance and rage, and his sleep was fraught with nightmares. As part of his healing process, Sarge started writing down the thoughts that were too hard to voice. His words became poems, then music, and then his salvation.
3-minute read
PTSD, Family and Relationships, NightmaresSaving a Life With Strength and Love
Nick and Felicia’s whirlwind romance was affected by the aftermath of his multiple combat deployments, PTSD, suicide attempts, and alcohol use. But instead of giving up, Felicia summoned her strength and told Nick he had to get help. Her support saved his life.
3-minute read
Problems with Alcohol, PTSD, Family and RelationshipsReclaiming Happiness
Hear how Daniel, a U.S. Navy photographer, learned to manage his PTSD symptoms with VA support.
3-minute read
PTSD, Transitioning From Service, Stress and AnxietyInspiring Stories From Coast Guard Veterans
Hear the inspiring stories of four U.S. Coast Guard Veterans who found support to regain control of their lives.
5-minute read
PTSD, Military Sexual Trauma, Bipolar DisorderLosses Led to Recovery
While serving in the prestigious 82nd Airborne Division of the U.S. Army, Daniel turned to drugs and alcohol after the suicide of his best friend. Several years later, it was the death of another loved one that moved Daniel to regain control of his life.
4-minute read
PTSD, Problems with Drugs, Anger and IrritabilityA Military Family’s Story of Support
Hear stories from a Veteran’s family about how shared experiences helped them learn to support each other in seeking mental health treatment.
3-minute read
Anger and Irritability, Problems with Alcohol, PTSDGetting Help Shows Strength
A deployment with the Army in Afghanistan that led to a long separation from her toddler daughter left Nicole depressed and hypervigilant. After getting the treatment she needed at VA for adjustment disorder and PTSD, Nicole learned that she had the inner strength and resources to seek help again whenever she might need it.
3-minute read
PTSD, Feeling on Edge, Family and RelationshipsRegaining Control Through Mindfulness
Gus had trouble sleeping and managing his emotions until his therapist introduced him to meditation.
3-minute read
PTSD, Transitioning From Service, Trouble SleepingGrace Is a Gift for Yourself
Forgiving doesn’t mean forgetting. It means letting go of the hurt and regaining your power — and it’s a form of self-care that can enhance your mental health.
3-minute read
Military Sexual Trauma, PTSD, Family and RelationshipsPainting a Picture of Recovery
Like many Veterans, Mike had trouble expressing himself and dealing with his trauma. Then he discovered art therapy.
4-minute read
PTSD, Traumatic Brain Injury, Transitioning From ServiceFour Inspiring Stories From Women Veterans
Discover how these four women Veterans have overcome some of life’s toughest challenges and learned to thrive by taking care of their mental health.
7-minute read
Transitioning From Service, PTSD, Stress and AnxietyLiving in the Present Can Create a Better Future
After years of moving from place to place, Brian stopped trying to outrun his past. By learning how to manage his PTSD symptoms and live in the present, Brian set a path toward a better future — for himself and his family.
3-minute read
PTSD, Family and Relationships, Transitioning From ServiceDon’t Go It Alone
With the support of his fellow Veterans and therapy programs at VA, Stephen was able to start managing his PTSD symptoms.
4-minute read
PTSDRebuilding Family Bonds
When Drew, a U.S. Army Veteran, transitioned out of military service, he faced depression, anxiety, and posttraumatic stress disorder, and he withdrew from his family and friends. Treatment helped him address these challenges, and a heartfelt conversation with his dad helped rebuild his family bonds.
5-minute read
PTSD, Flashbacks, Family and RelationshipsThe Power of Purpose and Laughter
After retiring from the U.S. Navy, Susan faced depression and PTSD. She found comfort and a new sense of purpose on the stand-up comedy stage.
5-minute read
PTSD, Transitioning From Service, DepressionTorn Between Worlds
Some Veterans experience trauma over and over because sudden flashbacks won't let them leave the past in the past.
5-minute read
PTSD, Flashbacks, Transitioning From Service, Depression, Stress and AnxietyHiding Pain in Plain Sight
Despite his many professional successes, Fred couldn’t outrun the survivor’s guilt he experienced after losing an air crew in a mission over Iraq. Therapy at VA, including EMDR treatment to reprocess his thoughts, allowed Fred to rediscover an emotion he didn’t realize he’d been missing.
2-minute read
PTSD, Transitioning From Service, SuicideLearn How Veterans Got Back on Track
Maybe you don’t connect with your therapist in your first appointment. Maybe the treatment doesn’t make a noticeable impact right off the bat. Or, maybe you feel like you’re taking all the right steps, but nothing’s changing.
4-minute read
PTSD, Transitioning From Service, Stress and AnxietyTake the First Step Toward a Healthier Life
These Veterans had different reasons for seeking help, but the result was the same: After they took the first step on their mental health journey, their lives improved.
5-minute read
Jobs and Employment, PTSD, Transitioning From ServiceHelping Hands
Serving as a Navy Seabee, Phillip escaped certain death when an unseen hand rescued him from a mudslide in Honduras. A decade later, when he found himself mired in PTSD, anger, aggression, and drug use, it was VA that pulled him up. Now, Phillip is a state-certified peer specialist, offering a helping hand to other Veterans in crisis.
5-minute read
PTSD, Family and Relationships, Problems with Drugs, Nightmares, HomelessnessLiving With Chronic Pain
Marie faced chronic pain after serving in the U.S. Army and deploying to Iraq. Through group therapy at VA, she learned she wasn’t alone.
3-minute read
Anger and Irritability, PTSD, Trouble Sleeping, Depression, NightmaresStay Active After Active Duty
Hear some Veterans describe how recreational activities enhance their mental well-being — and their lives.
3-minute read
PTSD, Transitioning From Service, Depression, Stress and Anxiety"There’s So Much Hope Out There"
Lucinda, a U.S. Coast Guard Veteran, used alcohol to try to dull the pain after the death of her son. Through counseling, she’s found purpose and passion in her life again.
4-minute read
PTSD, Problems with Alcohol, Stress and AnxietyAn Army Infantryman’s Journey to Recovery
Hear how Tony, a U.S. Army infantryman, overcame problems with alcohol and PTSD with the support of his wife, Kacie.
3-minute read
PTSD, Problems with Alcohol“If It Wasn’t for My Wife, I Wouldn’t Be Here”
After his wife encouraged him to seek mental health support, Jeff, a U.S. Army Veteran, learned to confront his anger and other challenges with EMDR therapy and recreational therapy, including gymnastics and dance.
4-minute read
PTSD, Family and Relationships, Traumatic Brain InjuryHealing Through the Power of Therapy and Art
Learn how Phyllis, a U.S. Navy Veteran, found ways to cope with her PTSD through therapy and expressing herself through her paintings.
3-minute read
PTSD, FlashbacksA Series of Chaotic Mistakes That Somehow Went Right
Rick, a U.S. Navy Veteran, overcame PTSD and problems with alcohol through cognitive behavioral therapy, group therapy, and more.
3-minute read
PTSD, Problems with Drugs, Problems with AlcoholPTSD Symptoms — in Veterans’ Words
Hear Veterans describe the symptoms of PTSD and discuss treatment options that help them cope.
3-minute read
PTSDAfter Crashing, Stephen Found a Community
Stephen had substance use issues and posttraumatic stress disorder. Now a community of support is helping him follow his dream of working in the mental health field.
4-minute read
PTSD, Problems with DrugsTechnology Breaks Down Barriers to Treatment
Jennifer served for nearly 20 years in the U.S. Army and Reserve, but she faced her greatest challenge when she returned home. Hear how support through VA TeleMental Health services helped her overcome depression.
3-minute read
PTSD, Family and RelationshipsProlonged Exposure Therapy — In Veterans’ Words
Veterans describe how prolonged exposure therapy helped them overcome symptoms of PTSD.
2-minute read
PTSDMy Story, My Connection: True Partnership
Daniel and Sara, a military couple, stand by each other’s side to overcome problems with alcohol and a loss of identity.
3-minute read
PTSD, Family and Relationships, Transitioning From ServiceMy Story, My Connection: A New Mission
Hear how Linda, who served as a combat trauma nurse in Iraq, reached out to overcome symptoms of PTSD.
2-minute read
PTSD, Family and RelationshipsA Call to Service After 9/11
Nathan was compelled to serve his country in response to 9/11. Hear his story of strength and recovery.
3-minute read
PTSD, Transitioning From Service3 Things to Consider in Finding the Right Therapist
Finding the right therapist is an important step in your path to mental health recovery.
3-minute read
PTSD, Family and RelationshipsA Purple Heart Recipient’s Story of Strength
“I had a new purpose in life — and that was to give back.” Hear the inspiring story of Ed, a U.S. Army Veteran and Purple Heart recipient.
4-minute read
PTSD, Physical InjuryPositive Change Through Cognitive Behavioral Therapy
Cognitive behavioral therapy can be a powerful treatment option for Veterans managing challenges like PTSD, depression, anxiety, and drug problems.
3-minute read
PTSD, DepressionQ&A With Capt. Sullenberger on Mental Health
We spoke with Capt. Chesley Sullenberger, an Air Force Veteran, about his experience with mental health challenges, his work in the Veteran community, and what he hopes others take from his story.
4-minute read
PTSD, Family and RelationshipsMental Health Recovery: By the Numbers
These five numbers affirm what can be possible with mental health treatment — from scaling the highest summit in Antarctica to celebrating decades of marriage.
3-minute read
PTSD, Family and RelationshipsHonoring Vietnam Veterans
This Vietnam Veterans Day, we welcome home and honor the service and profound sacrifices of those who fought or served during the Vietnam War.
2-minute read
PTSD, DepressionA Vietnam Veteran Finds Strength in Group Therapy
Rick, a Vietnam War Veteran, buried the trauma of war for decades.
5-minute read
Anger and Irritability, PTSDVeterans on Prolonged Exposure Therapy for PTSD
Military Veterans explain how prolonged exposure therapy has helped them overcome symptoms of PTSD.
5-minute read
PTSDPTSD and Relationships: Supporting a Veteran Loved One
Military spouse Tass discusses her experience in helping to identify and manage her husband’s PTSD.
4-minute read
PTSD, Family and RelationshipsHow 4 Homeless Women Veterans Changed Their Lives
Hear women Veterans share their stories of homelessness and the assistance that helped them find housing.
5-minute read
PTSD, HomelessnessStill Supporting Veterans, a Half Million Video Views Later
Military couple and Make the Connection participants Hector and Trista make a lasting impact on the lives of Veterans in Minnesota and beyond.
4-minute read
PTSD, Family and Relationships, Military Sexual TraumaA 9/11 First Responder Confronts Painful Memories
After two harrowing days of searching through rubble at the Pentagon, Cliff went home, took off his gear, and put it away in a box — along with his painful memories..
3-minute read
PTSD, Trouble Sleeping, SuicideOvercoming PTSD: 3 Vietnam War Veterans’ Stories
These stories highlight how symptoms of PTSD affected three Vietnam Veterans years after the war — and how these Veterans found support for their mental health challenges.
6-minute read
PTSD, Depression, Nightmares4 Powerful Stories of Purple Heart Recipients
Hear the inspiring stories of four recipients of the Purple Heart.
6-minute read
PTSD, Physical InjuryThis Marine Shares His Story to Help Other Veterans With PTSD
Hear how Josh, a U.S. Marine Corps Veteran, learned to manage his PTSD triggers after service in an Iraq combat zone.
3-minute read
PTSD, Family and RelationshipsVeterans: Choose Strength Over Silence
The latest Make the Connection video, "Strength Over Silence," highlights stories of how Veterans used their voices and reached out for mental health treatment to improve their lives.
3-minute read
Jobs and Employment, PTSD, Family and Relationships, Problems with Drugs, Transitioning From Service, Trouble SleepingFour Stories That Will Inspire You This Mental Health Awareness Month
Servicemembers continue to inspire us after their military service. Read four inspiring stories of Veterans who overcame challenges such as PTSD and problems with drugs.
6-minute read
PTSD, Problems with Drugs, Physical Injury, Military Sexual Trauma, Flashbacks, Transitioning From ServiceFive Ways You Can Support a Veteran Living With PTSD
If a Veteran loved one is living with PTSD, know that this condition can be treated. Learn about PTSD treatment options, mental health resources, and more.
6-minute read