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Topic: “Traumatic Brain Injury”

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Learn more and watch videos of Veterans sharing their experiences with traumatic brain injury and what they did to get on a path to recovery.

Healing From an Invisible Wound: 3 Veterans Talk About TBI

Three Veterans—Michelle, Ryan, and Patrick—share how therapy helped them heal from traumatic brain injury. Treatment helped them understand and manage TBI effects and improve their quality of life.

5-minute read

Traumatic Brain Injury, PTSD, Family and Relationships

Veteran Says Readiness for Support Is “Step 1” for Healing

After initially resisting the idea of mental health support, Stefan actively sought the therapy that gave him tools to manage his TBI, PTSD, and bipolar disorder symptoms. “It directly translates into my life being happier,” the Marine Corps Veteran says.

4-minute read

Bipolar Disorder, Traumatic Brain Injury, Transitioning From Service, PTSD, Feeling on Edge

Mental Health Care Options Give Veterans Many Ways To Heal

The stories that Ryan, Greg, and Bridget are sharing for Mental Health Month show there are many treatment paths Veterans can take to reach the same destination: enjoying a fuller life.

3-minute read

PTSD, Family and Relationships, Problems with Drugs, Traumatic Brain Injury, Physical Injury, Flashbacks, Depression, Nightmares

“Do Not Shy Away From Those Difficult Conversations”

How do you persuade a Veteran in your life to seek help for mental health challenges? First, you have to begin the conversation. Members from three Veteran families share what they learned about initiative and persistence in encouraging loved ones to seek and continue treatment — and how their efforts were rewarded.

5-minute read

Family and Relationships, PTSD, Stress and Anxiety, Depression, Trouble Sleeping, Physical Injury, Traumatic Brain Injury

When Sleep Is Stressful, Not Restful

Troubled sleep stemming from insomnia, nightmares or restlessness can be the cause or the effect of a mental health challenge, as these three Veterans learned.

4-minute read

Trouble Sleeping, Nightmares, Stress and Anxiety, PTSD, Traumatic Brain Injury

Trauma, Transitioning and Treatment

Two Veterans discuss the traumas of their combat service in Iraq, the difficulties they faced when they transitioned out of the U.S. Army, and the therapies that worked for them.

4-minute read

Nightmares, Family and Relationships, Transitioning From Service, Traumatic Brain Injury, Trouble Sleeping, Problems with Alcohol

Painting a Picture of Recovery

Like many Veterans, Mike had trouble expressing himself and dealing with his trauma. Then he discovered art therapy.

4-minute read

PTSD, Traumatic Brain Injury, Transitioning From Service

“If It Wasn’t for My Wife, I Wouldn’t Be Here”

After his wife encouraged him to seek mental health support, Jeff, a U.S. Army Veteran, learned to confront his anger and other challenges with EMDR therapy and recreational therapy, including gymnastics and dance.

4-minute read

PTSD, Family and Relationships, Traumatic Brain Injury

TBI: By the Numbers

Traumatic brain injury statistics help paint a picture of the challenges some Veterans face.

3-minute read

Traumatic Brain Injury

In Photos: A Military Family Overcomes TBI

Through photos and quotes, discover how Brad’s Army family worked together to help him overcome his traumatic brain injury.

4-minute read

Traumatic Brain Injury

Veterans Share Their Advice for Coping With TBI

Military Veterans describe the signs, symptoms, and treatment options for traumatic brain injury (TBI).

2-minute read

Traumatic Brain Injury